Missouri Aquarium Society welcomes anyone with an interest in aquatic life, from fish to plants. Our members range from beginners to published experts, and we welcome families and children. Please come to a meeting or two as our guest. We will enjoy meeting you! Our monthly get-togethers begin with a short business meeting then a speaker / program, followed by door prizes, a mini auction, refreshments and raffle. Past programs have included everything from presentations by internationally known speakers and authors, to educational and fun "fish fact" games. Our Horticultural Award Programs (HAP) and Breeders Award Programs (BAP) are very active, with members bringing in fish and plants they have raised. These specimens are included in our monthly mini-auctions.
Missouri Aquarium Society (MASI) Membership Dues are: Full/Voting*: Individual = $20.00 - Voting Membership w DARTER for 1 Email Corresponding = $15.00 - Non Voting Membership w DARTER for 1 Email** *Full/Voting membership is recommended if attending most meetings and available for voting. Corresponding membership is recommended if not available because of distance, only desiring MASI's Social Media or for other reasons. OR If you would like to join or renew and pay through PayPal.com, follow the PayPal information below:
If you have any questions or need information, please e-mail |