A Year In The Life of MASI

By Mike Hellweg


Terms begin at the start of the July General Meeting

Schedule FORC ASAP after assuming office -  FORC should consist of President, Treasurer, Auction Chair, Show Chair, Editor and one or two Members-at-Large from the general membership, not necessarily the Council.  

Change of Registered Agent form filed with State of Missouri - electronic

Renew Corporate Status with State of Missouri - electronic

Show dates and other dates for the next Calendar year need to be nailed down ASAP (I would suggest letting the Show Chair and the Auction Chair take care of these)

At the first Council meeting, assign various Council members to contact and report on various committees at each Council meeting

Fliers should go out for August (Summer) Auction should be prepared and mailed by third week of month (Auction/Advertising Chair should coordinate and mail and deliver to shops)

Appoint Audit Committee to audit books – has to be done whenever there is a changeover of signatory members (president, treasurer) - Give them 30 days to complete and file a report with the Council – cannot be made up of any signatory members 


Summer Auction – usually scheduled for 2nd Sunday in August to avoid Back to School season


IRS form 990 (electronic) should be filed by September 1st 

Show committee should start meeting

Third Showing of Fish Raising Contest

Fliers need to go out for Swap Meet around the first or second week of the month (Swap meet/Advertising Chair should coordinate and do this)


Swap meet – schedule first Sunday of the month to avoid other Mid-West events

Super Bowl (?)

Fliers need to go out for November (Fall) Auction before Halloween (Auction chair/Advertising should coordinate and mail and deliver to shops)

Begin planning for Christmas party


Fall auction – 2nd or third Sunday of the month to avoid Thanksgiving


Christmas Party

Final Showing of Fish Raising Contest

Sign-ups for Fish Raising Contest

Nominations for Member of the Year (from the floor)


Nominations for Member of the Year closed

Begin Fish Raising contest by distributing fish at the meeting

Fliers mailed for February (Winter) auction (Auction Chair/Advertising should coordinate and mail and deliver to shops)


Winter Auction – scheduled to avoid Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day (and NEC, if possible)

Voting for Member of the Year – ballots need to be made before meeting


Order Trophies for annual awards

First showing of Fish Raising Contest

Fliers (non members) and packets (to members) out for annual show (Show committee/Auction chair/Advertising should coordinate, mail and deliver to shops)

Begin compiling list of candidates for Office and Executive Council (Nominations committee – The VP)


Annual Show Weekend (schedule to avoid Easter, Passover, Mother’s Day), can run into early May - also a good idea to avoid ALA Convention

Presentation of annual awards at Banquet

Continue compiling list of nominations for Office and Executive Council



Close list of nominations for Office and Executive Council

Approve ballot at May Council meeting


Voting for new Officers and Council members – ballots need to be made before meeting

Second Showing of Fish Raising Contest

All Committee heads, Officers and Council members term’s end at the beginning of the July General Meeting, when the new people take office. Webmaster adds the new Council member's email addresses to the Councin@MissouriAquariumSociety.com list and removes those no longer serving.
Webmaster adds same to the Forum Private Council Forum section