Super Bowl 2015 Rules-FREE ENTRY


There will be 10 categories, plus Best in Show, People's Choice and Best Junior.

Junior and novice entries will be indicated by a J or N on judging form and tank label.

 Juniors and novices compete against regular entrants.

Prizes: Junior: certificates for 1st, 2nd, 3rd. (Junior is under age 16, Novice is defined by the MASI on-line membership book)

Cash prizes (1st =$3, 2nd =$2, 3rd = $1) in each category. 

$20 gift certificate to Tropical World Pets to:

Best in Show, People's Choice, Best Junior 

Click Here for the Classes

You MUST turn in an entry form BEFORE you put your fish in the Superbowl.  We will have blank entry forms as well.

You MUST label your bowls before placing in judging area (show chair will give you the correct labels once you turn in the entry form)

One flat sided drum bowl or small tank (up to 10 gallons) per entry

No heaters, pumps or filters allowed

A lid or tank cover is preferred (Saran wrap and a rubber band works)

The fish must fit the tank properly or can be disqualified by the judges

Any fish displaying excessive stress will be pulled from the show



3 Judges will observe each fish

Judges' decision is final

Any judging paperwork is confidential and will be destroyed after the show

Judges do not need to defend their actions


Live Judging:

New this year, one class will be “live judged”.  The show chair and judge will pull a class and the judge will talk through how he chose to judge the fish.


Entry form:
Click Here for the form

Correct common name on entry form, as provided by entrant to the show chairman.  Correct Latin name is better.

(Correct Latin name may be from older books and commonly accepted nomenclature. No need to have the up-to-the second name.  “Corydoras barbatus” is ok as is “Scleromystax barbatus


People's Choice:

There will be a box with a slot, paper and pens.  We are asking all who attend to look over the fish and vote for their favorite.  The winner will be “People's Choice”


Best in Show:

As determined by the judges


Best Junior:

Best single fish by a Junior entrant.  Entry label on tank MUST have a “J” designation.



Entrant comes to Superbowl with the entry form correctly filled out and with fish.

There will be blank entry forms at the show site as well.

Show chairman looks at form and the fish.  Chairman keeps form.

Show chairman gives accurate tank number labels to the entrant.

Entrant places tank number labels on the upper right corner of each tank.

Entrant places fish in judging area.